The Last Oracle by James Rollins

Genre: history, action, apocalypse, romance and whatnot.

The Oracle of Delphi is a known concept even to modern civilization. But what were their roots? Did they truly vanish from the face of earth or are they still hiding in plain sight? These questions are answered along with a fantastic storyline.

This book is another from Sigma. No math there, just an organisation based off DARPA (you can Google that). The book is preceded by three books: Sandstorm, Map of bones and Judas Strain. But you can consider them anthologies except for the romance and job positions.

This story revolves around Gypsies, India, Russia and the protoganist Uncle Sam. What I love about James Rollins is that, he states facts as is. He talks about the terrorising issues in the States and the Soviet. His books generally have an historical or mythical arc pursued in the modern day by the group of heroes to thwart some dangerous situation. But the nuances and twists can never be predicted. History is explained beautifully. The language is amazing. You can basically get an education from the guy, fun intended.

Back to our story. Rollins goes into wonderful details about autism and savants including Einstein, Mozart, et al. Mutations may already be occurring for all we know. The Chernobyl incident is given in good detail, along with information on radioactivity. Empathy and Cruelty are demonstrated side by side. The ending doesn’t leave any loose ends at all.

The story is a journey where you can not predict the next movie. Next time you see a James Rollins, don’t put it back down if it’s too big. You’ll finish it before you know it!

P. S: I am sorry but he is one of my favourite authors. I favour archeological fiction.

Until next time!


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